Hi Brethren, family and friends.
I sincerely hope that all Brethren, friends and friends are in the best of health and enjoying life especially as the weather is now getting a wee bit wetter and cooler.
April was a very busy month for the Lodge with several functions both formal and informal.
Firstly there was the Lodge bowls day. Although the weather was rather wet and cool which kept the numbers down, we managed to raise a few dollars and with a donation from the Lodge donated $500 to the Grand Masters Winter Appeal. Thanks to everyone especially Bro Carl Cox for organising the day.
Then there was our Anzac Day function on the 18th. What a great night. The South was packed to capacity with fellow Brethren and many guests. They all heard a very informative but solemn Anzac talk from Bro Wayne Cooper. It was based on his career from Malaya, Borneo and Vietnam and how it affected his life. A real top effort even though Wayne is a North Melbourne supporter. Many thanks to Bro Craig Foster for running the night and putting together the video based on Wayne’s talk. The video was the first time we have used the new television in the lodge room. It was a great success. Thanks Paul. Thanks must also go to Bro Joe Porter for his rendition of Amazing Grace on the bagpipes and Bro’s Malcolm Murray and Kevin Chambers for their music in the South.
Finally, there was our sausage sizzle and garage sale on the 27th. A great day was had and nearly all brethren chipped in to help on the day. It was a great feeling as the Master of the Lodge to see so many hands on deck. Although we did miss the passing crowds of the Taste of the Harvest which was moved this year to another date, we managed to raise another $1000. We will be holding another garage sale at my home in Devonport in mid June to attempt to sell the remaining items.
At our March meeting it was great to welcome Bro. Craig Wright from Sheffield into the Lodge. Craig is a young man who works in Ulverstone at Simplot and has a keen interest in the world of technology. He is a quiet chap but loves to be involved in different activities and is very proactive and does not mind putting his views and ideas forward. I am very keen to hear of Craig’s view of Freemasonry as he learns more about our fraternity because it is his generation that is the future of our great organisation.
The Grand Master and Grand Lodge officers were present along with thirty other brethren from along the coast and northern Lodges. The Brethren from Roland Lodge will always welcome and appreciate our visitors as they make being in Freemasonry most worthwhile. Thanks again to the ladies for putting on a great deal of good food and coffee in the South.
I would like to welcome WM Ian Petty and WBro Wayne Cooper into the Roland Lodge. Their knowledge and experience will prove to be invaluable. Bro Andrew Bruce who has just moved to Sheffield with his wife Sue is also very keen to join our Lodge. Andrew and Sue have just arrived from Queensland and after having met with them on several occasions, I know that they will enjoy what we have to offer. As our Lodge continues to grow with good men and their wives I hope that we can take comfort in the future survival of Roland Lodge and continue to work hard in order to continue this resurgence in membership.
Figure 1 M W Grand Master John Slore with Bro Craig Wright
The Roland Lodge held a bowls day last Sunday. Although the inclement weather reduced the numbers a great afternoon was had by all the members. Funds raised plus a supplement from the Lodge will be forwarded to the Grand Masters Winter Appeal.
I would like to once again like to thank Kath and Alan Braid for hosting the Victorian Car Club last month. It was a great morning and it was very rare to see such a rare collection of cars on the same property of one of the best if not the best radio collections in Australia
Function at The Braid ranch
The morning was a great success with $1400 being donated to the Lodge. Many thanks to the Brethren and wives who helped out. It proves that the best form of charity is the giving of ones’ time.
After our function with the Kentish Mountaineers Relay for Life team at The Appleby farm Liz and I walked with them in Penguin at the Relay for Life. We walked between 10pm and 4am. It was great and they had a very professional setup. Next year we will be there once again
Garage Sale and Sausage Sizzle 27 Apr 19
This function is getting very close. I have the registration for the sausage sizzle and a few items are rolling up for the garage sale. Please remember to search the house and shed of family and friends for items for sale. We will begin to set the lodge rooms up after our meeting on the 18th or next Thursday. We will sell:
Books, clothes (clean), furniture and other items. If you are having trouble picking things up or transporting them to the Lodge please give me a call on 0467 830 439 or call Laurie Appleby on0417 599 225 and we will make the required arrangements. As we will be doing a sausage sizzle and the garage sale both from the Lodge rooms we will need plenty of “hands on deck”.
Anzac Meeting 18 Apr 19
Our Anzac meeting as stated will be held on Thursday 18th April in the Lodge rooms commencing at 8pm. Please let your friends and family know as it is open to the public. Supper will be in the South after the ceremony. The main speaker for the evening is W Bro Wayne Cooper. Wayne is a Vietnam Veteran who also served in Malaya and Borneo from 1965 until 1969.
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle 13th July, 10th Aug and 24th Aug 2019
Just as a heads-up, we have secured 3 Saturday spots at Bunnings in Devonport for a sausage sizzle. They were most generous in giving us 3 Saturdays as they lost our first application form. The dates are 13th July, 10th Aug and 24th Aug 2019.
As you can see from the above there is much to be done over the next couple of months. I realise that as the Master of the Lodge in 2019 that we have extra work with the multiple degrees to be done and the fundraising efforts but I see no way around it. If we all chip in and do a bit then the workload does not seem as great. However, I am sure it will be well worth the effort for our Lodge and Freemasonry in general.
Work for April
Lodge of Peace 16th April - Anzac meeting. I will be in attendance. Late notice but if you require a lift let me know.
Devonport Lodge 17th Apr – OFFICIAL VISIT Brethren, VW Bro Malcolm Murray has been a great supporter of the Roland Lodge over the years and his son is doing his 1st Degree on this night. As a show of gratitude I would appreciate as many of our brethren as possible to be available on this night.
If I have omitted anything I apologise. If any brother wished to add something to next months edition just let me know as I am not the fastest typist going around and a break would be good. Thanks for the support of all Brothers and their family
Fraternal greetings
Scott Whiley
WM Roland Lodge 36TC
0467 830 439