June News Letter

Hi Brethren, family and friends.

I hope this month’s newsletter sees all Brethren and their families happy and well.

We had a very good night at our last regular meeting with the Passing of Bro Craig Wright to the Second Degree. Craig once again proved that he is going to be a real asset to not only our Roland Lodge but to Freemasonry in the years to come. I hope the soup was ok on the night. It seemed to go down well being the cooler weather so we will do the same at our meeting in June. Wor Bro Ian Petty and I will supply the soup for our next meeting so if Brethren could just bring along a few sandwiches that would be great. The coffee as always is the biggest hit of all.

I visited the Lodge of Research at their May meeting. It was my first visit to the lodge and I found it most interesting. I would strongly recommend a visit if you get the chance as they certainly raise some very interesting issues regarding Freemasonry.

Our June meeting will be the presentation of the Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Craig Foster. This will be a good night as it is well overdue. I should have had it sooner but we have had a fair amount of work on in the past few months and I believe it will be Craig’s last night for six months as he and his family are travelling around Australia. What an awesome trip for a young family.

Just looking forward a wee bit, in July we should have the passing to the 2nd degree of Bro Paul Grabe on the 3rd Saturday with dispensation. August will see the initiation Mr Craig Dempsey whose father was a Past Master of our mother lodge, Concorde.

Please remember that our board meeting in June is the 1st Wednesday. Unfortunately I will be in Darwin with our grandsons and unable to be there. We will need to rehearse for the meeting in June as we will be opening to the Third Degree. A few Brethren from Lodge Lindisfarne will also be visiting on that night. It is also when we need to make a decision on our regular meeting night ie keep it where it is or change it to the 1st Wednesday and have our board meeting on the third Thursday. If you cannot make the meeting please let V. Wor Bro Appleby know how you feel on the matter.

Bro Andrew Bruce is doing a great job putting the rolandlodge.org website together. I have been a bit slow getting info to him but am hopeful that it will be up very soon. On that, we would like to have a photo of all members on the site to make it more personable. To that end could each member send an informal photo ie in farm, running or casual attire in any circumstance to myself or Andrew as soon as possible.

On an unfortunate side, the Grand Secretary has stated the Wor Bro Justin Buckley is unable to join our Lodge until further notice.

Upcoming events/work

Emu Lodge Installation 15th June – I will be in attendance

Lodge of Peace 18th June – 1st Degree Tracing Board – I will be in attendance at this stage

Devonport Lodge 19th June – 1st Degree

Roland Lodge 20th June – Grand Lodge Certificate for Bro Craig Foster

Bunnings sausage sizzle Saturday 13 July

If I have omitted anything I apologise. If any brother wished to add something to next months edition just let me know as I am not the fastest typist going around and a break would be good. Thanks for the support of all Brothers and their family

Fraternal greetings

Scott Whiley

WM Roland Lodge 36TC


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